Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Take a kid fishing and freeze his water, then you have a fishing buddy for life

I am not sure what the official definition of child abuse is but I can assure you my grandfather and uncle both would have been accused of such.  In the late 1980's  they had me on a bass boat in the middle of the Cumberland River in February. It was so cold that they had to take me back to the boat ramp for my aunt and grandmother to pick me up so that I could thaw out and use the bathroom.  Yes, my water froze and now the whole world knows it!
Sabrina with her boys, Youth Turkey Hunt

Over 20 years later and I still remember that day like it was yesterday and it was some of the most fun I have ever had.  If they would have left me at home that day and not taken me, my whole life would be different, that in my opinion would have been child abuse!

Why would anyone like the torture of freezing river water being splashed on them in the middle of winter you ask?  Because I am a male, it's inert to test my limits, my internal workings are not designed to be inside all the time. I wanted to be a grownup like my Uncle and Granddad and most importantly I absolutely LOVE being outside.  I also cried during Bambi after which I went outside and built a fort with my buddy and acted like GI Joe and shot invisible bad guys with our stick machine guns, not sure what the subliminal message behind Bambi was but whatever it was I didn't pick up on it.  See...I was a normal boy.    

Why would I NOT want to defy death just to be a bit closer to nature, it beats being tortured by having to stay inside all the time.

Not all boys were like me but I venture to bet a very large portion of them are. It is not just boys either, girls are meant to be outside and with nature as well.  I am fairly certain Adam and Eve didn't have a HVAC and high speed internet... 

Heather Davis, a great hunt with her dad

It may sound like my outdoor experiences as a youth were a little harsh but never fear, as an adult I still have those experiences.  Last spring I barely dodged a flood hunting turkeys off a kayak on the Cumberland River and this summer I was caught in a horrendous lighting/thunder storm while hiking in the Smoky Mountains,  but for the most part my adventures are safe, at least that is what I tell my wife!

Back on topic; "Take a kid fishing and freeze his water, then you have a fishing buddy for life" This is a perfect recipe to start the process of teaching our young people the meaning of conservation and in my opinion the meaning of life.  Plus you can teach them a little psychics about water molecules while your at it. 

In the latest Urban Hunting DVD you can watch two youth hunts from the Spring of 2013.  These two hunts are arguably the best on the entire DVD, to watch the expressions of the young hunters as they watch the sunrise and listen to the glory of the thunderous wild turkey gobble will bring back memories to those of us lucky enough to enjoy the outdoors at an early age and will spark an immediate interest in all of us to find a youngster and take them on a adventure.

One of the hunts takes place on the opening day of the 2013 Spring Turkey season in TN where Scott Davis invited Christian on his first turkey hunt.

Scott and Christian shared a very memorable outdoor experience with turkeys gobbling to the melody of the spring woods. This experience will forever be ingrained in both of their minds. 
myself and my youngest brother hiking
They shared an experience that sadly not many people are fortunate enough to have any more, that is why it is so important to take an initiative and do our part with the younger generation by introducing them to the outdoors.

Christian was not able to punch his tag on a turkey that morning but he did leave the woods with more than he brought.  He summed the hunt up with one word, "brilliant"!  When I heard that I immediately knew his hunt was a success.  For one he had not been hunting in a quite some time and another he had never been turkey hunting, so this adventure was destined to be memorable.  He also mentioned one other thing that caught my attention and that was the excitement of the chase.  Scott and Christian followed rule number one of hunting, fair chase.  This common sense approach is about respect to the game we hunt and it is also a standard we base our ethics on.

"at the end of the day it was all around a really good time. I was really thankful Mr. Scott invited me, and I'm looking forward to going again."
                                                                    -Christian M.

While talking with Scott about this hunt he brought about a good point, the kill is not part of the ultimate goal;
Christian in a ground blind enjoying nature
  "The goal is to build a relationship around the outdoors, and plant the seed that allows them to grow in that experience.  For the rest of their life, when they see me, or remember me, it will bring that experience back to their memory.  It is another way to impact the future generations in a positive manner.  I hope that when these young people reach decision making positions in life, they will opt to support and cherish our hunting heritage!"

I could not agree more with him, actually my fondest memories afield do not include a kill or catching any fish.  Every single one of them is about the time I got to spend with the ones I love, the ones I look up to and the ones who took the time to make sure I had a great experience. 

Anthony with his first deer
Another youth hunt on the DVD involves two very young hunters, at this age it is very important to make sure they have a great time.  Their attention spans are almost non-existent and all they care about is having fun.

Having a good ground blind and some snacks is trick of the trade.
Lets face the facts, not many of us are good at sitting still and we all get hungry and when you are knee high to a grass hopper sitting still is not in your vocabulary and eating is a necessity!

In this hunt the young hunters actually have a shot opportunity as a boisterous tom comes strutting down the ridge to their blind.  Lets put ourselves in the shoes of a early school age kid ( 5-8 yrs old), you have some crazy thanksgiving turkey that dodged the supper table last fall and he is making his way through the woods in your direction, for all you know he is looking for redemption! At this point you have some serious thoughts going on in your head; 1.) can I shoot this thing before he jumps in the blind with us 2.) I wonder if I dad has any more snacks???? 

The shot was a clean miss, though one could argue it may have been a warning shot to deter the turkey from breaching the walls of the tent - therefore the boys saved the day!

acting goofy in the duck blind
The point of that hunt was not about killing a turkey, heck I am willing to bet the adults in that blind were actually shocked by the fact that they actually even got to shoot at one.  The purpose of that hunt was to expose them to a passion of the outdoors, to wake up that inner wild heart, allow them to share the joys with family and friends and to teach them something that cannot be taught in any formal educational setting.  I promise you a classroom that comes with a early morning sunrise, fresh dew and song birds beats any brick and mortar room they will ever sit in and it is up to us to make sure they have that chance to be there. It is also our responsibility to make sure they get the most benefit out of it.

After watching both hunts I was convinced that the objective was accomplished.  All three young hunters were excited and the adults were equally ecstatic. 

I am now at the age where my focus has shifted to introducing new people to the outdoors, both young and older.  It is an absolute joy to share my knowledge (albeit limited) with them and experience the euphoria they achieve that only a sunrise can grant.  I asked Scott about why this experience is so fulfilling and he described it as a connection with his past.

He mentioned that he didn't quite understand the full extent until later in life but when people took him hunting it was a blessing, I would also venture to say those experience helped shape Scott into the person he is today.
You are never to young to go fishing, just don't let your water freeze

One selfish reason to take a young person hunting is self gratification. Scott and I both agree that taking new and young people afield is as rewarding for us as it is for them.  Keep focused on them, show them a great time, teach them something new and I can promise you that EVERYONE will be rewarded.

If you don't believe me then I invite you to sit around our dinner table during the holidays after a evening hunt.  Stories will be told about the big one that got away but eventually a decades old story will surface about a young man's water freezing during a February stripe fishing trip.  We will all laugh but the best part is we will all relive it like it was just yesterday, my Uncle and Granddad both benefited from my water freezing almost as much as I did!

Take a kid fishing and freeze his water, then you will have a fishing buddy for life

Monday, February 17, 2014

Months (maybe even years) of preparation finally meets opportunity.  The trophy of a lifetime is actually in your hands and the feelings of mixed emotions cloud your logic.  Text messages, phone calls, and post to Facebook are immediate.  You search for the perfect location to stage a photo and take full advantage of the digital age by snapping multiple images of different poses.  You have a thirty minute discussion on the phone with your hunting buddy to determine if this is the "elusive" buck you have on trail camera from two years ago or if this is "tall" antelope the rancher described in his alfalfa field.

You then decide you do not want to field dress the animal in your hunting spot, so you walk out to get your ATV.  You strap the trophy on and begin to make your way back to camp, all the while dodging limbs so they do not knock you off and using the critter strapped to the front to deflect those briars you cannot go around.  After arriving at camp you gather up your rubber gloves and knives and begin field dressing the game. While doing so your hunting buddies, fully aware of your success, start making their way back to camp to take a glimpse of "the big one that didn't get away".  By doing so it takes you a little longer than usual to field dress, by this point hunger has set in and you decide to treat everyone to breakfast to celebrate your success.  The trophy is loaded in the back of the truck and the trip to the nearest check station (which happens to have an excellent breakfast sandwich) is underway.  As you pull up to the check station you notice the typical hunter crowd is sipping coffee and searching the beds of each pick up truck in the parking lot to critique each harvest.  They immediately notice yours and crowd your truck like a pack of hungry wolves.  You finally grow tired of telling "the story" a dozen times, so you head back to camp to start processing the animal for the freezer.

I could go on and on, but I will spare you the torture. Everyone that reads this either knows someone who has done this or has some variation of the story.  Whats the point you might ask?  Let me explain it as "the moral of the story".  My grandfather once told me;  "the real work begins once you pull that trigger" and he was right.  Field care is extremely important.  It doesn't matter if the animal is a "trophy" or purely for the freezer.  Immediate cooling down of the body cavity is a must!  This begins with quick field dressing and complete removal from direct sunlight.  If the animal will be taken to your taxidermist for some kind of preservation, then additional precautions should be taken.

I have listed the typical steps involved in trophy field care.  Most steps have different methods and variations, I suggest doing what is comfortable to you.  However, their are certain steps that should not be altered.  These are my steps I suggest to my clients and I strongly encourage you to talk to your taxidermist about their preferred methods.

Things to remember

  • Cool down the animal ASAP
  • Avoid dragging the animal
  • Avoid heat,sunlight, and other fluids like oil
  • Get the animal skinned and to your taxidermist ASAP, or freeze the cape/head immediately
  • Do not saw antlers off skull
  • Do not cape the animal unless your taxidermist has trained you
  • Clean all blood and fluids from cape
  • Avoid shooting/cutting the animal in front of the shoulder
  • Talk to your taxidermist before season begins to refresh field care 
  • Animals like Pronghorn Antelope are very delicate, DO NOT drag them and be VERY careful with the hair.  The use of Stop-Rot will aid in preventing the hair to "slip".  Talk with your Taxidermist about this product.  

Field Dressing for a Shoulder Mount
Due to the growing concern of zoonotic diseases (easily transmitted between species) you must use extreme caution while handling game.  Shoulder length gloves like, Hunters Specialties Field Dressing Gloves 2-Pack, help protect your skin and clothing and make clean-up much easier.

Below is a field dressing recommendation from McKenzie Taxidermy Supply.  I use a similar variation of this method, basically I start at the rectum and work my way to the brisket.  Sharp knives make this process much easier.  
With the deer on its back, make a shallow cut through the skin just below the breastbone. Make sure that you start your cut well away from the brisket, allowing plenty of uncut skin for your shoulder mount. Insert two fingers of the free hand,cradling the blade, to hold the skin up and away from the entrails.
The dotted line is the caping line, usually 6" behind the shoulder is adequate for a shoulder mount.  Consult your taxidermist first.  
Cut straight down the belly and around the genitals, separating but not severing them from the abdominal wall. Slit the belly skin all the way to the pelvic bone.
Note: Start the incision below the caping line.
Cut deeply around the rectum, being careful not to cut off or puncture the intestine. Pull to make sure the rectum is separated from tissue connecting it to the pelvic canal. Pull the rectum out and tie string tightly around it to prevent droppings from touching the meat. Lift the animal's back quarter a bit, reach into the front of the pelvic canal, and pull the intestine and connected rectum into the stomach area.

If you want to make a full shoulder mount, do not cut open the chest cavity. Cut the diaphragm away from the ribs all the way to the backbone area. Reach into the forward chest cavity, find the esophagus and wind pipe, cut them off as far up as possible and pull them down through the chest.
Reach inside chest cavity, do not split brisket if a shoulder mount is wanted.  
Roll the deer onto its side, grab the esophagus with one hand and the rectum/intestine with the other. Pull hard. The deer's internal organs will come out in one big package with a minimum of mess.
*Caping, the process of skinning out a trophy animal for taxidermy purposes, is best left to the taxidermist. Their experience skinning, especially the delicate nose, mouth, eyes, and ears is invaluable toward producing a quality mount. Damage to a hide is costly to repair. Some types of damage simply cannot be "fixed" by the taxidermist.
Many trophies are ruined in the first few hours after death. As soon as the animal dies, bacteria begins to attack the carcass. Warm, humid weather accelerates bacteria growth. In remote areas, or areas not near your taxidermist, a competent person may be required to cape out the hide in order to preserve it.

"Partial" Caping for a Shoulder Mount

This method should make your taxidermist happy, I call this the partial method because you leave all the delicate work for your taxidermist to do.  I personally prefer to do all of the full caping myself because I am picky about my incisions and have had bad experiences with holes, blown out eyes, not enough skin left for tucking, etc.  Once again talk with your taxidermist on how he/she wants a full cape if you are hunting in a location that caping and quartering the game out is needed.  If you need to do this, it is imperative you practice on heads before you go afield.  A couple hours in a taxidermist studio will give you great respect for this process.  
(Figure 2A) With a sharp knife, slit the hide circling the body behind the shoulder at approximately the midway point of the rib cage behind the front legs (6'"-12").

(Figure 2B) Slit the skin around the legs just above the knees. An additional slit will be needed from the back of the leg and joining the body cut behind the legs.  I suggest tubing the leg skin off the bone like a sock or leave the legs (detached from the shoulder) and let your taxidermist cape that part.

(Figure 3) Peel the skin forward up to the ears and jaw exposing the head/neck junction. Cut into the neck approximately three inches down from this junction. Circle the neck, cutting down to the spinal column. After this cut is complete, grasp the antler bases, and twist the head off the neck. This should allow the hide to be rolled up and put in a freezer until transported to the taxidermist.
These cuts should allow ample hide for the taxidermist to work with in mounting. Remember, the taxidermist can cut off excess hide, but he can't add what he doesn't have.  

I cannot stress these issues enough...

When field dressing a trophy to be mounted, don't cut into the brisket (chest) or neck area.
If blood gets on the hide to be mounted, wash it off with snow,water, and a clean rag as soon as possible.
Avoid dragging the deer out of the woods with a rope. Place it on a sled or a four-wheeler. The rope, rocks, or a broken branch from a deadfall can easily damage the fur or puncture the hide. If you do need to drag it out with a rope, attach the rope to the base of the antlers and drag your trophy carefully.

  • Don't cut the brisket area when field dressing
  • Don't cut the neck or throat
  • Warm weather, blood, bacteria, and water can ruin a cape.  Make sure oil and other fluids do not come into contact with the cape either, i.e., clean your truck bed out!  A little water is OK, but do not spray it down to clean it off
  • A bag of ice in the chest cavity helps to cool the carcass until you can quickly get somewhere to cape the animal
  • If placed in a freezer to be frozen, make sure you wrap the head with multiple garbage bags. A cape can freezer burn easily, the quicker you can get it to your taxidermist the better
  • Using a clean white cloth or paper towel, wipe off any fluids or blood from the cape.  Especially from the white hair on the animal
I will be making more post on my preferred caping methods and temporary preservation methods, but a blog post will never replace hands-on practice.  

Once again I strongly suggest you talk with your taxidermist before season begins.  If you have any questions or would like to consider Natural Creations as your next taxidermist please fell free to contact us.  

Happy Hunting!